It's hard to help without a link to your site. Please add it to your signature so it is always available. Click the clipboard icon on the navbar above, then Edit Signature. Begin your link with http:// to make it clickable.
You might be able to align six galleries on your homepage when you are using a specific device but given that your viewers will likely be using many different devices it may not be a reasonable thing to do. If you choose a fixed width that works well on a large monitor do you expect your viewers to scroll sideways if they are using a laptop or a tablet - or a phone?
It's hard to help without a link to your site. Please add it to your signature so it is always available. Click the clipboard icon on the navbar above, then Edit Signature. Begin your link with http:// to make it clickable.
You might be able to align six galleries on your homepage when you are using a specific device but given that your viewers will likely be using many different devices it may not be a reasonable thing to do. If you choose a fixed width that works well on a large monitor do you expect your viewers to scroll sideways if they are using a laptop or a tablet - or a phone?
--- Denise
I added my site link like you suggested.
I wasn't thinking about the layout for a phone or tablet.
You also should keep in mind that your site will likely be accessed from laptops without a wide screen monitor. And that there are many viewers who don't maximize their browser window.
Unfortunately your site is password-protected. That means that the volunteers in this forum can't see it to understand what changes would be needed.
You might be able to align six galleries on your homepage when you are using a specific device but given that your viewers will likely be using many different devices it may not be a reasonable thing to do. If you choose a fixed width that works well on a large monitor do you expect your viewers to scroll sideways if they are using a laptop or a tablet - or a phone?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I added my site link like you suggested.
I wasn't thinking about the layout for a phone or tablet.
You also should keep in mind that your site will likely be accessed from laptops without a wide screen monitor. And that there are many viewers who don't maximize their browser window.
Unfortunately your site is password-protected. That means that the volunteers in this forum can't see it to understand what changes would be needed.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at