Carolina Cold Winter Rain, Blustery

(I know the first photo is crooked, I like it that

And Then,

I hear it is worse some places. I hope you all are safe. It was supposed to be windy, like 20 mph, it was more like 40 to sixty miles an hour. Made the seagulls into dive bombers, not of their own volition.
Stay Safe, and happy,
or at least do the safe thing,

And Then,

I hear it is worse some places. I hope you all are safe. It was supposed to be windy, like 20 mph, it was more like 40 to sixty miles an hour. Made the seagulls into dive bombers, not of their own volition.
Stay Safe, and happy,
or at least do the safe thing,
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
I like the effect on the first two, really suits the subject & works well
Not sure about the third though, doesn't work so well, have you tried to do the same thing?
I have posted them elsewhere, not the tree, though, and gotten a positive response.
The tree really is just out of focus, or something. I probably should not have included it, that simple. I had it worked up before I found that there was not a sharp focus point, so the blurring was not intentional on the tree. I just hoped to show it. I have others, but the rain had splotted the lens. It was really quite dreadful out there at that point.
Thanks so much for commenting on the first two. I also like my little bird and it has been favorably commented on in my blog, so I never know who likes what. I have, as I said, seen no reason to keep presenting the tree, but I was concerned re the blurred ones. The wind was so bad. But it was not showing up in what photos I was getting, I knew that, so I literally tried to blur in the direction of the wind blowing, I thought it was effective and was kind of dismayed that no one else thought so. I did think the one with the creek was the most effective.
Thanks, Gubbs,
(I blurred them when I took them, and the weather has changed, so I can't do much about the tree. Am glad the weather changed.)
Love the effect works really nice with the grass
Would you let us in on how you did this ?
When I shoot in the rain I always have the lens hood on and carry a rag to keep things dry
The third one is blurred, but not blurred enough. It just looks OOF, I think. The colors are nice though.
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I was in the van w my husband driving me to where I often shoot birds. On the harbor side, the rain was coming in the van sideways and every which way when I just attempted to roll the window down. So I told him to go to the end and turn around.
I had the 400 on with the hood extended, and I was in the van: at first. The only thing was, once we turned around all was the same except I got out of the van to try to get the little bird. There was some wind protection from his company photo van.
I use lens caps rarely, I do carry paper towels, anything, to wipe off lenses, but I was not aware that the lens was splotted when I shot the tree. At some point I became aware, or everything would be ruined, and it isn't. I hold my camera facing down, and I use my clothes to protect my equipment. In other words I always have a rain proof wind breaker on, even in the summer it is around my waist and the equipment gets protected before I do.
I shot the bird, then looked at the marsh, I was having trouble standing, but I thought the heck with it and shot off some photos. Was disappointed as they were like you see, but not blurred. I don't know the shutter speed, I could look, but I can hand hold pretty well. I did look, decided to try blurring to show the wind motion. First I went sideways, decided that was silly as it would just obscure everything into one color, which it did. So then I went up and down, and that would be the first photo up there. That was so the grasses would still show through.
After that I was just about giddy with rain and creativity, so I started shooting while moving the camera in circles. That is the second photo. It is my favorite technique, now, as it best, and pretty much exactly, portrays how it felt out there with the wind blowing me around.
The tree should not be in this series, it brings it down, but I can't take it out now, everyone who read would wonder "what tree".
The gumballs are just what I saw after lunch and thought were colorful, they probably belong in a totally different series.
The little bird, well, I think he fits................ the only thing I have not shown was the dive bombing seagulls. They had no control, they would be up in the air trying to fly, I would get a photo, then the wind would come along and throw them towards the ground. I did not manage to capture that action, it was a very fast thing.
It all took place pretty fast, I got back into the van, we went around one more time, and I left.
Thanks for stopping and commenting. One, I hardly ever have a lens cap to use, but I do other things to protect the lens. Two, I just pick a shutter speed of around 1/30th and move the camera while shooting, especially like the 400, it can be effective, or not.
I really like the waving grass in your first pic, looks very dreamy, and makes me feel good inside looking at it.
Great shot! The gums are fun too, nice opportunity and you saw it.
I appreciate the "visit" and the comments!
ginger, i like the bird, too. he really seems to be just sick of the rain and it shows........
my stuff
The gumball machine is great.
Drab can be good, have you seen the Boston shot someone did last year and used as a christmas card? It is in favorite photos of the year, something like that.
Flying gina's favorite, and I really, really like it! In Boston: snow!
Our weather got even more boring, haha, 60 degrees and sunny. Spring and summer that may be OK, but well, I guess I am just slumped!