Multiple photos content block questions
Is there a description what all these options mean?

Is there a description what all these options mean?
- Vary photo height
- Pagination style
not that I have found very good descriptions of what you're looking for yet...
But pagination style means that if you have too much content to be presented on one page it will be broken up into two or more pages. You would have that for example done for your thumbnails in the standard Smugmug Gallery style, where the thumbnails are presented at the left side of your current photo. Should your gallery contain more than 20 photos (roughly estimate of what I have seen), you will be able to see thumbnail-sides on the left side of your screen.
For the "vary photo height" the text behind the question mark said something like "adjusting your row height automatically each time the page loads" which means - if I interpret some other info I found via google on this matter correctly - that the height of the rows that are showing your photos can vary from row to row depending on a) your maximum photo height and b) the maximum height that the actual photos in one row are able to be presented in and after all the size of your browser window as well. This is at least how I interpret this thread:
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