Welcome to the forums, Nick. You have some interesting shots here, but it would be so much better if we could view them in a larger format. If you would embed the files (using the Insert Image - second icon from the right in the Quick Reply toolbar) rather than attaching it, folks would be able to view them in a larger format.
#3 is very interesting with the plane at a bank - and #4 is beautiful. #1 is nicely processed in BW, but the crop seems just a little too close - maybe include the entire tree on the left and a bit more on the right?
Welcome to the forums, Nick. You have some interesting shots here, but it would be so much better if we could view them in a larger format. If you would embed the files (using the Insert Image - second icon from the right in the Quick Reply toolbar) rather than attaching it, folks would be able to view them in a larger format.
#3 is very interesting with the plane at a bank - and #4 is beautiful. #1 is nicely processed in BW, but the crop seems just a little too close - maybe include the entire tree on the left and a bit more on the right?
Nicely done all.
Hi Cavalier, I will adjust the size and re post. I totally agree about including the whole tree, unfortunately I think i have lost the original after a hard drive died!
Nick, you have some talent my fellow Dgrinner. #1 is a little blown out at the sun but the others are VERY nice. Good advice from those who have already posted.
Welcome to DGrin!
We will be looking for a lot more from you.
"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
Nick, you have some talent my fellow Dgrinner. #1 is a little blown out at the sun but the others are VERY nice. Good advice from those who have already posted.
Welcome to DGrin!
We will be looking for a lot more from you.
Thanks very much! Yeah I agree I tired to recover it but no joy, oh well!
1 is fantastic (ok with the sun being blown out, that sucker is bright; right?), 2 makes me wonder if the plane is a composite, 3 makes me turn my head to the right because of the horizon, cool shot though, 4 nice color and sharpness, 5 is a little boring, but presents a peaceful mood. Look forward to more of your posts!!!
Would like to see them larger.
#3 is very interesting with the plane at a bank - and #4 is beautiful. #1 is nicely processed in BW, but the crop seems just a little too close - maybe include the entire tree on the left and a bit more on the right?
Nicely done all.
Photos: jowest.smugmug.com
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Book 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079V3RX6K
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Thanks very much Sam. I will see what I can do about the size!
Hi Cavalier, I will adjust the size and re post. I totally agree about including the whole tree, unfortunately I think i have lost the original after a hard drive died!
Welcome to DGrin!
We will be looking for a lot more from you.
Thanks very much! Yeah I agree I tired to recover it but no joy, oh well!
What's the story with the plane in the second shot?
Link to my Smugmug site