Small town early Sunday morning

HDR of 4 exposures starting at 10secs.
D7100 @f/25 ISO 500 32mm (18-200mm Nikkor lens)
PP using Lightroom & PS
C&C's welcomed!
D7100 @f/25 ISO 500 32mm (18-200mm Nikkor lens)
PP using Lightroom & PS
C&C's welcomed!

"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
I don't often think about converting HDR shots to BW - I will think about it more often now!!
Book 2:
Cheers m8!
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Hey Jo, thanks so much for the kind comment. I'll have to say that up to the time I was about to save a JPG file this shot was in color. Just out of curiosity I flipped it to BW and it just seemed to convey better the emptiness of the street in that format. Coming for someone who can post some incredible pictures, this makes my day!
Taz, as ALWAYS! I really appreciate your very valuable input. The street has 2 to 3 of these HPS lights per block and it was hard to get them into the background so to speak. I even thought about taking the tripod to the middle of the street standing at a point where there were lights to either side but out of view, but my wife forbids such activity! I have another view I will post below in which I stood beneath one light and shot across the street. However, you can still see the prominent street light on the right. Let me know which you prefer! Thanks so much!
Carter, thanks so much for commenting. The starbursts results entirely from the small aperture which was chosen for this purpose as well as large DOF and trying to decrease glare. Thanks again! Really glad you liked it.
15 secs
f/25 @ 31mm
ISO 500
Also, perhaps not doable or lot of work, but the horizontal wires, if they could be gotten rid of, that will clean it up sweetly!
Enjoying this one m8!
Taz, thanks! I actually did remove a street crossing power line from the first shot but I simply ran out of post-processing concentration/energy on the second. :bash ...
#1. Dark over the court house. The lighting is hard on this one as the building is lit up by fluorescent lighting but the lower steps and sidewalk are illuminated by high pressure sodium lights.
#2. the black & white which I like better
and to conclude pics on this thread a sunrise began just as I was packing up to leave.
Taz, you are very kind. I was concerned that the B&W sky was distractingly noisy. Your opinion is highly valued.
Carter, thanks for looking at the shots. It very definitely dominates other structures on the street!