Onychiurus burmeisteri, A Blind, White Collembolan
This species lives on the underside of rotten wood on the ground in my garden. It measures up to 2.5mm long. It has no springer.
EM-1, extension, Leitz Photar 50mm 1/250 f11 ISO 640, TTL Flash, hand-held with some support for front hand.
Third image (2012) from reversed Kiron 28-70-80mm zoom at 28mm, manual flash.
The smooth band of cuticle on the rear of each body segments is a specific character.
Images cropped, the first and second significantly, the third slightly.

EM-1, extension, Leitz Photar 50mm 1/250 f11 ISO 640, TTL Flash, hand-held with some support for front hand.
Third image (2012) from reversed Kiron 28-70-80mm zoom at 28mm, manual flash.
The smooth band of cuticle on the rear of each body segments is a specific character.
Images cropped, the first and second significantly, the third slightly.

If mine I would see if tad more space for background was available for #2 and tad more space at bottom for #3.
Fair comment but the background is very messy, crumbled dead wood and cobwebs and suchlike. I thought it detracted.
Brian V.
Thanks, Brian.
They show that a reversed Kiron zoom compares well with Leitz Photar at about a tenth of the price.