updating multiple galleries

I'm a relatively late convert to the "new" smugmug, perhaps 6 months into it and not incredibly active on customization recently.
My site employs multiple galleries, and multiple galleries nested within a folder hierarchy. In the old days there was a way, though I can't remember it, to select all of the galleries in my websaite that were behind a password and "bulk" change the pasword for all of them at once.
Is there a way to do this now? I imagine that "quick settings" should help, but I'm running into a few roadblocks. First, you can only select the galleries for the folder which you are currently focusing on (ORGANIZE>SETTINGS>select a folder from the folder tree on the left). While that's good in that I can grab multiple galleries at once:
1.) I'm surprised that "quick settings" don't appear to be available once you grab more than one gallery, so I have to set all of the settings (including password and password hint) manually, and
2.) I have to repeat this process for each folder, as well as any top level galleries.
With how smooth and slick the new smugmug is (I really love it), I'm guessing that I'm just missing something. Is there a way to set a password and hint (and other settings) to a great majority of your galleries / folders / galleries within folders at once? Thanks in advance for any help.
My site employs multiple galleries, and multiple galleries nested within a folder hierarchy. In the old days there was a way, though I can't remember it, to select all of the galleries in my websaite that were behind a password and "bulk" change the pasword for all of them at once.
Is there a way to do this now? I imagine that "quick settings" should help, but I'm running into a few roadblocks. First, you can only select the galleries for the folder which you are currently focusing on (ORGANIZE>SETTINGS>select a folder from the folder tree on the left). While that's good in that I can grab multiple galleries at once:
1.) I'm surprised that "quick settings" don't appear to be available once you grab more than one gallery, so I have to set all of the settings (including password and password hint) manually, and
2.) I have to repeat this process for each folder, as well as any top level galleries.
With how smooth and slick the new smugmug is (I really love it), I'm guessing that I'm just missing something. Is there a way to set a password and hint (and other settings) to a great majority of your galleries / folders / galleries within folders at once? Thanks in advance for any help.
Stephen Skoutas
sskoutas@gmail.com Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse
Please feel free to retouch and repost my images. Critique, Suggestions, and Technique tips always welcomed.
Stephen Skoutas
sskoutas@gmail.com Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse
Please feel free to retouch and repost my images. Critique, Suggestions, and Technique tips always welcomed.
galleries below that folder. You leave the PW blank on all below. I think you can still add a different PW to anything
below, even flow down from that point.
I had my family galleries split into different trees (top legacy categories) but then added a top folder and moved
all those under it. So the top PW now flows down all those lower trees. Although I had used the same PW for all,
if a visitor switched trees they had to re-enter the PW for each tree entered. Played havoc with my menus. All good
now as all in same tree.
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Make sure you only select galleries and no folders on the right. You're right that you have to
do every folder one at a time. I had to go thru many family folders and blank the PW/hint.
Then on the gallery setting page you have to check a box in front of each item you want to change.
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