ICL's, cataract surgery, and photography
So...I am very nearsighted (-11.50). Finally time to get the eyes fixed.
Wondering what is best for photography? (and shooting, and welding, and other things, but those Q's are for other forums).
Who among us has had cataract surgery/ICL's done? What "focus" did you go with....near sharp, far sharp, or the monovision with one near, one far? If monovision, which eye is "close"?
Anything you'd do different? Any tips and suggestions?
Wondering what is best for photography? (and shooting, and welding, and other things, but those Q's are for other forums).
Who among us has had cataract surgery/ICL's done? What "focus" did you go with....near sharp, far sharp, or the monovision with one near, one far? If monovision, which eye is "close"?
Anything you'd do different? Any tips and suggestions?
Well, good question but I hesitate to play Doctor so I suggest you ask your real one. I have a hunch he'll say Photography is simply seeing well which the operation is designed to allow you to do.
I doubt Photography has a special set of surgical techniques applicable.
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Right (dominant) eye is at distance, doing 20/20 or a hair better. Left eye is settling in at just under arm's length, good enough to read email on phone, work camera menus, etc, without having to put on readers.
Amazing view in the viewfinder now...coming from coke-bottle lenses (-11.50, way more than the viewfinder diopter correction could ever compensate for). I can see all the corners at once! (Nikon FF).
Wish I'd done it ten years ago...