Content blocks

I just discovered that even though "all galleries" is highlighted every content block on the site shows
under the "+ Content" tab for the "On All Galleries" section. This is totally disruptive!!
One example: I have eight single photo blocks on "entire site" for my banners. These should only show
when "entire site" is highlighted. Same with additional "entire site" CSS blocks or html blocks.
I've now lost complete control of seeing what blocks apply to any level without having to click through each one.
under the "+ Content" tab for the "On All Galleries" section. This is totally disruptive!!
One example: I have eight single photo blocks on "entire site" for my banners. These should only show
when "entire site" is highlighted. Same with additional "entire site" CSS blocks or html blocks.
I've now lost complete control of seeing what blocks apply to any level without having to click through each one.
This happen to me.
SmugMug Support Hero
We've received feedback that a number of users were confused, when in the Customizer, certain gallery blocks were on the page but not editable. Instead of having to click between various sections to edit the current page you're looking at, we decided it would be easier to display all the content blocks on a given page: Entire Site + current page (Folder, Gallery or Page). For example, if I create a New Page called "About Me" and I want to add this to my Menu Content Block, I no longer need to click "Entire Site", update the Menu, then go back to "Just this Page" to continue editing the page. Since the Menu is displayed, I can do it without having to navigate away.
We do realize that we've introduced a different confusion: you have a harder time understanding what is on the page from "Entire Site" vs. the current page. We've got some ideas on how we can differentiate these better. Stay tuned!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
especially with the heading "On Just This Page".
Edit: added usage notes in yellow
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