Email with social buttons?

Is there a way to include a mailto (with icon) within the social buttons block? It would be great to have it all lined up in the same place on the page with Fb Twitter etc using an envelope icon that matches the others (as seen on so many other sites.) but I see no way to do that, or even include any contaact link other than on the nav bar.....
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
facebook | photo site |
I don't see a way to use an icon in the menu content block but I suspect CSS could be used to change the menu entry.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Add this code to the HTML content block:
Note that the contact form will only appear when logged out.
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I didn't realize that the contact form could be accessed like this, good to know.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
ETA: I just played with the social block again, and realise there's a place for "custom" - that will display in a matching size/style icon, but of a chain (ie link). How could I customize that icon? There's nowhere in the block to choose anything other than an url. I could easily make a 'contact" page, and link it to that, I just want it to match the style next to the twitter/FB standard icons
In the meantime, could this be a request to Smug? It seems it would be so easy to include it as another option in the social media block, to be used (or not) as the individual wanted!
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I wasted hours wondering why my contact button wasn't working and messing with CSS before I realised this!
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
I have used this advance css to customize the 'custom' (link button). I used 'branded' and 'medium' for the settings and created an image 40px in width by 40px in height. As indicated by the below, I changed the URLOFIMAGE to the actual URL.
/* Social Media */
.sm-page-widget-social-links-link .sm-official .sm-fonticon
background-image: url("URLOFIMAGE");
height: 40px;
width: 40px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: top center;
color: transparent;
.sm-fonticon-LinkSquare:before {
display: none;
sm-fonticon-Link:before {
display: none;
.sm-user-ui .sm-page-widget-social-links-link .sm-official .sm-fonticon:before {
display: none;
examples : (all social media buttons customized)
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