Discovering Allowed Parameter Values

fitter manfitter man Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
In the V2 API Explorer, is there some way to find out what the range of allowed values is for various parameters? The responses don't seem to return them (many fields come back with an indication they are blank by default.) See for an example.

Right now I am hoping to find out what values are acceptable for SmugmugSearchable and WorldSearchable. I can't find anywhere that explains how boolean values would be expressed and there's a note on the documentation page that says "The SmugSearchable and WorldSearchable fields have more possible values at the root folder than at other folders." but doesn't explain what the possible values are. Anyone know this stuff?



  • fitter manfitter man Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited April 1, 2015
    The POST response itself answers this in the OPTIONS value.
            "Name": "SmugSearchable",
            "Required": false,
            "ReadOnly": false,
            "Default": null,
            "Description": "Not supported on legacy accounts. \"Inherit from User\" and \"No\" are for sub-folders; other values and \"No\" are for the root folder.",
            "Type": "Select",
            "OPTIONS": ["No", "Local", "LocalUser", "Yes", "Inherit from User"],
            "MIN_COUNT": 1,
            "MAX_COUNT": "ALL",
            "Value": "false",
            "Problems": ["invalid option"]
          }, {
            "Name": "WorldSearchable",
            "Required": false,
            "ReadOnly": false,
            "Default": null,
            "Description": "Not supported on legacy accounts. \"Inherit from User\" and \"No\" are for sub-folders; other values and \"No\" are for the root folder.",
            "Type": "Select",
            "OPTIONS": ["No", "HomeOnly", "Yes", "Inherit from User"],
            "MIN_COUNT": 1,
            "MAX_COUNT": "ALL",
            "Value": "false",
            "Problems": ["invalid option"]
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