Bug odds and sods 30-03

Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden.
Brian V.
"Grass" fly Lonchoptera sp.

Jumping spider with prey on the house wall

Plant bug Anthocoris sp. on a wheelie bin lid

Bumble bee - Bombus lapidarius

Interesting position - mating cluster flies

Comma butterfly taking the sun

Hoverfly on camellia flower. Meliscaeva auricollis - var maculicornis apparently
Brian V.
"Grass" fly Lonchoptera sp.

Jumping spider with prey on the house wall

Plant bug Anthocoris sp. on a wheelie bin lid

Bumble bee - Bombus lapidarius

Interesting position - mating cluster flies

Comma butterfly taking the sun

Hoverfly on camellia flower. Meliscaeva auricollis - var maculicornis apparently

I like the studio spot effect with the grass fly.
Thanks for the comments SB and Harold
Brian V.