make my site more responsive
My site is usable on an iphone but it's far from optimized, anyone has any suggestions? heres my site if you want to take a look with your smartphone.
Any suggestions are welcome!
Any suggestions are welcome!
When holding the phone in Portrait mode your site name is cut off - the X is only partially showing.
When holding the phone in Landscape mode the menu bar and your logo / tag line uses the entire vertical space. When holding the phone in Portrait mode it takes half of the vertical space. I would recommend using only your site name and not the additional words when your site is viewed on a mobile device the size of a phone. I haven't looked on a tablet to see if there is a similar issue there.
I've never understood why the site login link is made available on a smugmug site. That is only for your use - another smug user could use it but that would take them away from your site. Why not hide that link? You can always log in at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at