Neanura muscorum
This species is the type species of the genus. In, turn, the genus is the basis of the family Neanuridae, which lack grinding molar surfaces on their mouthparts and feed on liquid material. (The familiar species is Anurida maritma, also blue, and found in large numbers with their head inserted into dead crabs and suchlike on beaches).
This species is very difficult to find. I found these under some cut, rotting, wrist-thick branches of Sycamore on the soil. First I found one and had taken some pictures, when the branch rotated and I lost it. To my surprise, another individual was on the next branch I selected.
This genus is characterised by the coarse tubercles, bearing long setae, on the body. In N. muscorum each has up to abot four fairly long setae. In N. longiseta, our other blue species, one of each group of setae is very long. The false indication of two tails, given by the two posterior tubercles, is the best recognition feature.
These individuals were about 2mm long. The FOV was 5mm wide, cropped for posting.
EM-1, reversed Schneider HM 40mm at f11on Kiron Matchmate x 1.5 TC and extension. Twin TTL RC flash, one freestanding. Hand-held.
All shots were of walking individuals. (They have no springer).

This species is very difficult to find. I found these under some cut, rotting, wrist-thick branches of Sycamore on the soil. First I found one and had taken some pictures, when the branch rotated and I lost it. To my surprise, another individual was on the next branch I selected.
This genus is characterised by the coarse tubercles, bearing long setae, on the body. In N. muscorum each has up to abot four fairly long setae. In N. longiseta, our other blue species, one of each group of setae is very long. The false indication of two tails, given by the two posterior tubercles, is the best recognition feature.
These individuals were about 2mm long. The FOV was 5mm wide, cropped for posting.
EM-1, reversed Schneider HM 40mm at f11on Kiron Matchmate x 1.5 TC and extension. Twin TTL RC flash, one freestanding. Hand-held.
All shots were of walking individuals. (They have no springer).

Brian v.
Will do. I found another gem yesterday.