Can the filename be moved up level with photo number?

AceCo55AceCo55 Registered Users Posts: 950 Major grins
edited April 16, 2015 in SmugMug Customization
I was able to remove the title from showing in the Smugmug gallery style using the code from here:

Under the main photo (on the right) in Smugmug gallery style there is a Photo number"
< Photo 4/56 >

Below that, there is the file name: eg "150414FA_08e"

Is it possible to get the file name to move up and share the same line as the photo number?:

< Photo 4/56 > (space here for separation) 150414FA_08e

It would make it a LOT easier to describe to people that I need the file name rather than the gallery photo number when they are trying to tell me which photo they are interested in. At the moment, it usually adds another level of communication before I get the information.
My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.


  • AceCo55AceCo55 Registered Users Posts: 950 Major grins
    edited April 16, 2015
    Bump - more in hope than expectation!!! rolleyes1.gif
    My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
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