Set color on top level menu
I have this below code in my themes CSS to play with my menu colors. The very bottom is what I just found on the forum that is supposed to set the color on the top menu text, but nothing happens, so I assume this is not the correct code.
/* Set the default navbar submenu background color */
.yui3-menu .yui3-menu-children .yui3-menu-item .yui3-menu-label {
background: #F4F1DF;
/* Set the navbar submenu hover background color 4/15/15 changed background from 7d1515 to 63141e to match the page background*/
.yui3-menu .yui3-menu-children .yui3-menu-item .yui3-menu-label:hover {
background: #63141e;
color: #ffffff !important;
/* Turn the navbar text a different color when the mouse hovers over it was 7d1515 but changed to white 4/15/15*/
.sm-user-ui .sm-page-widget-nav-toplink a:hover {
color: #ffffff !important;
/* Set the color for the borders between each item of the top menu 4/15/15 changed from 7d1515 to 380606*/
.sm-page-widget-nav-toplink {border-color:#ECD78C !important;}
/* Set the color for the top menu text*/
.sm-page-widget-nav-toplink {
color: #ECD78C; !important;
/* Set the default navbar submenu background color */
.yui3-menu .yui3-menu-children .yui3-menu-item .yui3-menu-label {
background: #F4F1DF;
/* Set the navbar submenu hover background color 4/15/15 changed background from 7d1515 to 63141e to match the page background*/
.yui3-menu .yui3-menu-children .yui3-menu-item .yui3-menu-label:hover {
background: #63141e;
color: #ffffff !important;
/* Turn the navbar text a different color when the mouse hovers over it was 7d1515 but changed to white 4/15/15*/
.sm-user-ui .sm-page-widget-nav-toplink a:hover {
color: #ffffff !important;
/* Set the color for the borders between each item of the top menu 4/15/15 changed from 7d1515 to 380606*/
.sm-page-widget-nav-toplink {border-color:#ECD78C !important;}
/* Set the color for the top menu text*/
.sm-page-widget-nav-toplink {
color: #ECD78C; !important;
So you have to add a "ul li" before the ".sm-page-widget-nav-toplink" and a " a" behind it and you have to remove the ";" after #ECD78C.