Calanthe tricarinata from the Far East
This terrestrial species was the only one to retain some leaves from last year. As the top of the plant was hidden under the shelf above it, I was surprised to find it in full flower. The flowers have a heavy scent which is not unpleasant but may be an acquired taste.
I took some shots in diffused sunlight and some with flash. The latter is difficult, in that, even with two guns, there are so many parts of flowers at different angles that satisfactory lighting is a bit trial and error. I had one, diffused light from above left and the other (unusually) from below, right.
EM-1 (manual for flash, aperture priority for daylight), Kiron 105mm macro at f11, hand-held.
I post them in the order shot and quite like the background in the last.

I took some shots in diffused sunlight and some with flash. The latter is difficult, in that, even with two guns, there are so many parts of flowers at different angles that satisfactory lighting is a bit trial and error. I had one, diffused light from above left and the other (unusually) from below, right.
EM-1 (manual for flash, aperture priority for daylight), Kiron 105mm macro at f11, hand-held.
I post them in the order shot and quite like the background in the last.

Brian v.
Thanks, Brian.
I recently considered getting some more, until I saw the prices! :yikes