Threshold problem in photoshop

Hi again..
Does anyone else have this problem? Trying to find neutral gray using fill with 50% gray and difference and then using threshold to find the first black spot with the slider? only my threshold which works quite normally in all other cases just doesn't work doing this.. I've attached a screen shot. I have CS5 Win 7 and everything else works perfectly.The image is supposed to turn all white and slide to the right for first black area but doesn't.. hmmm Any clues??:dunno:scratch
Does anyone else have this problem? Trying to find neutral gray using fill with 50% gray and difference and then using threshold to find the first black spot with the slider? only my threshold which works quite normally in all other cases just doesn't work doing this.. I've attached a screen shot. I have CS5 Win 7 and everything else works perfectly.The image is supposed to turn all white and slide to the right for first black area but doesn't.. hmmm Any clues??:dunno:scratch
