Kodak color slide mailers

So I am sorting through my dad's old photo stuff, and finding a bunch of stuff that I can't really use (anybody need tele and wide angle adapters for the canon A35mm II sureshot from the 80s?) and I come across about 15 "pre-paid processing" mailers for kodachrome or Ektachrome slide film. Some are for 20 exposures, some are for 36. I guess you put your exposed film in the mailer, sent it off to Kodak, and they mounted the slides for you and sent them back. These things look to be quite old, and (at the time) I'm sure they were expensive. $3.50 a piece or so. If I mail stuff off to the address in Rochester, do you think they will honor these? They are from the late 70s, early 80s.
Cave ab homine unius libri
I have used those mailers for Kodak in the last 10 years, but they were not that old.