A Load of Bull?
Well, I can offer cows and oxen: Cowslips Primula veris and Oxalis, Wood-Sorrel Oxalis acetosella.
These were shot on a bright-overcast day, the light moderated by woodland trees, not yet in leaf.
The Cowslips (singular!) was shot as a cross-eye stereo pair but the Wood-Sorrel just worked out that way (the second pair only just).
EM-1 (Aperture Priority), Kiron 105mm, f11 1/250 (sorrel) or 1/250 (cowslips) ISO 800, hand-held.

These were shot on a bright-overcast day, the light moderated by woodland trees, not yet in leaf.
The Cowslips (singular!) was shot as a cross-eye stereo pair but the Wood-Sorrel just worked out that way (the second pair only just).
EM-1 (Aperture Priority), Kiron 105mm, f11 1/250 (sorrel) or 1/250 (cowslips) ISO 800, hand-held.

Brian V.
Thanks, Brian.
Strange that I don't recall shooting the sorrel ones intentionally. Maybe they have taken over my mind?