LR6 / LRCC Lightroom Smugmug Plugin Upload - Unauthorized

Last week I upgraded from LR5 to LRCC (have been using LR+smugmug upload plugin daily for several years across various platforms).
After moving to LRCC, my galleries are uploading a good bit slower, and I'm getting annoying mouse movement/performance delays and the wheel of fortune rainbow (Mac Pro 3.7 Ghz Xeon E5, 32GB RAM, OSX 10.9.3 and smugmug plugin 2.2.5).
In the past I have been able to upload several galleries at the same time, but after moving to LRCC uploading is crawling-slow ( this morning shows my connection at 92 Mbps download and 95 Mbps upload speeds).
Two additional issues that are new since the move to LRCC:
1) Some galleries do not completely upload, yet the status bar shows them as complete (this is not an issue of adding images to the galleries after starting the upload)
2) Every other upload or so, I get a pop-up error message from LR that says "Some export operations were not performed. Unauthorized (# of files) - (and a list of the files)".
Any help / tips? I wasn't able to find anything that references what "unauthorized" actually means regarding this upload error. Eventually if I continue to re-publish the galleries the rest of the images slowly upload, but it's definitely a productivity killer.
After moving to LRCC, my galleries are uploading a good bit slower, and I'm getting annoying mouse movement/performance delays and the wheel of fortune rainbow (Mac Pro 3.7 Ghz Xeon E5, 32GB RAM, OSX 10.9.3 and smugmug plugin 2.2.5).
In the past I have been able to upload several galleries at the same time, but after moving to LRCC uploading is crawling-slow ( this morning shows my connection at 92 Mbps download and 95 Mbps upload speeds).
Two additional issues that are new since the move to LRCC:
1) Some galleries do not completely upload, yet the status bar shows them as complete (this is not an issue of adding images to the galleries after starting the upload)
2) Every other upload or so, I get a pop-up error message from LR that says "Some export operations were not performed. Unauthorized (# of files) - (and a list of the files)".
Any help / tips? I wasn't able to find anything that references what "unauthorized" actually means regarding this upload error. Eventually if I continue to re-publish the galleries the rest of the images slowly upload, but it's definitely a productivity killer.
John in Georgia
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
3, All the Radial buttons options are now per-page. meaning when i check "yes" on "Smugmug Searchable"... it disables yes and no, on both "Web Searchable" and "Hide Owner". Or vice versa. All the radial buttons are wacky now, sharing the same ID.
2.2.5 is VERY buggy.
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Apologies in advance for the cross-posting, original thread is here:
Workflow related, but appears to be a bug w/ the SM LR plugin.
Last week I upgraded from LR5 to LRCC (have been using LR+smugmug upload plugin daily for several years across various platforms).
After moving to LRCC, my galleries are uploading a good bit slower, and I'm getting annoying mouse movement/performance delays and the wheel of fortune rainbow (Mac Pro 3.7 Ghz Xeon E5, 32GB RAM, OSX 10.9.3 and smugmug plugin 2.2.5).
In the past I have been able to upload several galleries at the same time, but after moving to LRCC uploading is crawling-slow ( this morning shows my connection at 92 Mbps download and 95 Mbps upload speeds).
Two additional issues that are new since the move to LRCC:
1) Some galleries do not completely upload, yet the status bar shows them as complete (this is not an issue of adding images to the galleries after starting the upload)
2) Every other upload or so, I get a pop-up error message from LR that says "Some export operations were not performed. Unauthorized (# of files) - (and a list of the files)".
Any help / tips? I wasn't able to find anything that references what "unauthorized" actually means regarding this upload error. Eventually if I continue to re-publish the galleries the rest of the images slowly upload, but it's definitely a productivity killer.
FWIW, the SM uploader plugin is insanely slower today... basically can't do anything within LRCC while trying to upload galleries (one at a time) and each gallery is only uploading a few images at a time before returning the 'unauthorized' error.
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
HOWEVER... I only got 36 images there. I got no errors, but 4 images were still showing in the "new images to be published".
I turned on logging and did another publish (no other changes) and they uploaded fine, of course -so no useful debugging data.
Will try again in a bit when I get some time.
PS. I am not getting any problems with the dialog box, either the create gallery or the publish plugin settings. I was even pleasantly surprised to see the "person" check box present.
I dragged them into the collection for a freshly created gallery, saw the image count update, hit publish. Worked perfectly. Took about 8 minutes.
I did another with 51 images, same thing, this time it uploaded only 49. I had logging enabled but.... there was nothing in the log. I don't know what that means.
Did another with 113 images, same thing -- this time 111 uploaded. I had logging enabled but no log -- BUT, I think maybe I needed to restart LR (or maybe reload), and I had not done that. I just did, trying again.
So again with 105 images. Got 102 uploaded, the 3 missing were random, and this time I DID get a log.
I'll open a ticket with Smugmug help (I don't feel comfortable posting the log here, not sure how private the info is in it).
Thanks for checking - these are also D800 images, same settings in the SM LR Plugin that I have used for quite a while. I sync and upload a dozen or so galleries daily (full time commercial photography) and this is definitely different than it has been working in the past.
Occasionally on a slower connection uploading several galleries at the same time (maybe with a few videos / HDR panoramas or other really large files thrown in) I'll see a hiccup or timed-out uploading error message but it's never been this "unauthorized" message that I'm seeing now.
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
I got an acknowledgement from a human for the ticket and they said they were passing it on to the lightroom team. My experience has been that the plugin problems get fixed at warp speed compared to main system issue (but of course this may be in the main system's services).
I too am experiencing this and I've sent an email over to QA to take a look. I had issues over the weekend not only with having to keep hitting republish several times for all the images to finally upload but a couple other creating gallery quirks. As soon as I hear from QA, I'll keep you posted.
Our lightroom developer is out of the office for a bit and is our best resource in diving deeper into this. I see you're using the latest version of the SM Publish Plugin (2.2.5) and the speedtest does show strong upload speeds. I was able to upload through the plugin without any speed problems just now, however, issue #1 did occur for me. I had 20 photos to re-publish to a gallery ... I clicked Publish to republish them and only about half uploaded, although LR marked the entire publish task as complete. I clicked Publish again, LR completed and I still have 3 remaining. Clicking publish yet again finally completed the publish. We had been testing the publish plugin against the LR6 (LRCC) beta's and I'll discuss this as soon as our developer returns. Stay tuned ... especially since I have my own vested interest!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Mine hasn't missed in the last few uploads, did it get fixed?
Still having the issue as of this afternoon (Thursday)
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
The fix for this will come sometime after Monday and I'll be sure to let you all know as soon as it's fixed! I know there's a lot of you waiting on this (including myself!)
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Please note, this is due to Adobe changing how the Lightroom SDK works with LR6 on Mac. It has always and still works perfectly well on LR3, LR4 and well as LR6 on Windows.
If you upgrade to 2.2.6, this issue should be resolved.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Are you still getting the Unauthorized errors when uploading ?
If so, can you please enable Logging and then restart LR....and then do some uploading until you receive that error.
You will find a logfile "SmugMug LrPublish.log" in your documents drectory.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
The latest version can be installed directly from Adobe Creative Cloud or by following the instructions here:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Where do I send the logfile?
Makes me wonder if there is a timing issue such that the rendering is not completed before the transfer times out?
I took another log file of this sequence.
I'll send the log via a pointer to Devbobo via PM.
Wait... correction --- it's WORSE than it was, substantially. Of the 116 photos it actually missed 30 of them only 4 of which gave an explicit error on the UI. But 30 did not publish.
At least in one try significantly worse in on windows 8.1 CC 2015 (the 6.0.1 version).
Followup: Of the 30, next publish moved 21, error given on 2, 9 remained.
Of the 9 remaining, next publish moved 5, left 4 (one error).
Of the remaining four, next publish moved 3, left one (but no errors).
And the next publish managed to push the last one.
That's pretty darn awful!
I'm in the process of bundling up the release to push it live.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I have installed 2.2.7 and am just uploading a new gallery with 76 photos. Everything seems to be going ok.
I did a few hundred photos and all but one uploaded. The one that did not said "A connection with the server could not be established".
Now... I realize that could be my internet connection and there's no way to prove it is not, but... it is not.
Here's the log for the one photo that failed, it was buried in the middle with all that rest (truncating some of the long strings as not sure if there is private stuff in them):
05/07/2015 16:05:50 DEBUG Render complete: s:\FergusonTemp\D0247D73-8A89-462F-B76B-A583738BD0E3\FGCU v Stetson 01-04-2014 - 20140104_DSC_6912.jpg
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - start
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG Timestamp Offset: 0
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG Base: GET&
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG GET:!authuser?_verbosity=1&_accept=ap....
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG HTTP Status: 401
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG {"Code":401,"Message":"oauth_problem=nonce_used"}
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - start
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG Timestamp Offset: 0
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG Base: GET&
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG GET:!authuser?_verbosity=1&_accept=ap....
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG HTTP Status: none
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG {"Code":1000,"Message":"A connection with the server could not be established\r\n","stat":"noresponse"}
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - end
05/07/2015 16:05:51 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - end
05/07/2015 16:05:58 DEBUG Wait for render
Notice the auth message before the no-connection.
Again... I get that internet connections sometimes fail, but mine runs awfully clean, Smugmug's runs awfully clean, and I've been seeing this "connection" error for some time. Different problem? Related?
I'll send up a few hundred more and see. It is absolutely, positively much better, maybe even completely fixed for the original problem (+/- what you see in that log file).
Since then I have been very well-behaved (only in this matter of course ;-)) and had no problems ever since.
Good luck
Lille Ulven
I just did a few hundred more without error, then set up a run of 300. After about 30 it failed with a new error (the seek-past error). Here's the log portion for that:
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG Base: GET&
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG GET:!authuser?_verbosity=1&_accept=application%2Fjson&oauth.....
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG HTTP Status: 200
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - end
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.uploadPhoto - start
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG Timestamp Offset: 0
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG Base: PUT&
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG HTTP Status: 504
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG Upload Time: 1s (Timeout: 300s)
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG Upload Bandwidth: 455.21 mbps
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG 2405053
05/07/2015 17:32:12 DEBUG null
So I think there's still something weird going on, but it is MUCH better.
Again, it is fair to note that for months and maybe years I would get these kind of messages intermittently, and just hit "publish" again, so I am not sure these are new. But while we're on a roll flushing out errors....
05/07/2015 18:06:23 DEBUG Wait for render
05/07/2015 18:06:23 DEBUG Render complete: s:\FergusonTemp\4E19CD4D-A2E7-47EF-967B-089EA5E31B94\FGCU v Stetson 01-04-2014 - 20140104_DSC_6892.jpg
05/07/2015 18:06:23 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - start
05/07/2015 18:06:23 DEBUG Timestamp Offset: 0
05/07/2015 18:06:23 DEBUG Base: GET&
05/07/2015 18:06:23 DEBUG GET:!authuser?_verbosity=1&_accept=application%205/07/2015 18:06:23 DEBUG HTTP Status: none
05/07/2015 18:06:23 DEBUG {"Code":1000,"Message":"A connection with the server could not be established\r\n","stat":"noresponse"}
05/07/2015 18:06:23 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - end
I find it interesting how sometimes it gives a UI indication, sometimes it does not.
So far in some spot checks it does keep correct track of what is on Smugmug, i.e. I haven't found any, like my videos, where it shows failed but uploaded or vice versa.
I'll quit now, not sure if any of these are helpful.