Corsican Lichens
These are from the relocated images from the first few days of the trip. Due to the delay, some details have been forgotten, such as whether these were, as I suspect, all on rocks.
I thought I might have used other than my Kiron 105mm lens but the EXIF data tells me otherwise. This was with my Kiron, probably at f11, definitely 1/250 at ISO 400 and TTL flash, hand-held. (These were probably on the rocks surrounding the shaded hotel car park).
I usually crop my images unless the composition is the best I can achieve. Some photographers who post here insist that composition should be in the viewfinder. With no strong preference to crop these, I present them as I saw them in the viewfinder. This leaves some significant areas of OOF (mainly in the fourth image) giving a real sense of the 3D nature of the lichens and of the substrate.
It is difficult enough to identify our native genera, and Corsica has a very rich lichen flora, so I am not going to attempt to put names to these. I am fairly sure that the first and third are the same species.

I thought I might have used other than my Kiron 105mm lens but the EXIF data tells me otherwise. This was with my Kiron, probably at f11, definitely 1/250 at ISO 400 and TTL flash, hand-held. (These were probably on the rocks surrounding the shaded hotel car park).
I usually crop my images unless the composition is the best I can achieve. Some photographers who post here insist that composition should be in the viewfinder. With no strong preference to crop these, I present them as I saw them in the viewfinder. This leaves some significant areas of OOF (mainly in the fourth image) giving a real sense of the 3D nature of the lichens and of the substrate.
It is difficult enough to identify our native genera, and Corsica has a very rich lichen flora, so I am not going to attempt to put names to these. I am fairly sure that the first and third are the same species.

Brian v.
Thanks, Brian. My world!
These show only a few examples of lichen morphology and colour.