KR800 Twin Flash experiment.

I have been given a twin flash unit to try out by a Chinese company (they who make the Venus lens) and earlier this week I took a few test images with no diffusion. Tonight, I tried something.
KR800 Twin Flash experiment #2.
OK, so as well as the piece of foam packaging that came in the flashgun box, I added a piece of polystyrene party plate underneath the foam. The flash was at it's default setting. with the heads about 3 to 4 inches left and right of the spider and about ten to, and ten past, above the central plane.
Camera set to f/11, ISO 125, 1/200sec.
I had to lift the exposure in Lightroom by 0.83EV.
Copyright: Paul Iddon - A View of the UK
Camera: Canon EOS 70D
Exposure: Manual exposure, 1/200 sec, ISO 125

KR800 Twin Flash experiment #2.
OK, so as well as the piece of foam packaging that came in the flashgun box, I added a piece of polystyrene party plate underneath the foam. The flash was at it's default setting. with the heads about 3 to 4 inches left and right of the spider and about ten to, and ten past, above the central plane.
Camera set to f/11, ISO 125, 1/200sec.
I had to lift the exposure in Lightroom by 0.83EV.
Copyright: Paul Iddon - A View of the UK
Camera: Canon EOS 70D
Exposure: Manual exposure, 1/200 sec, ISO 125

Apparently you cannot tell by the packaging, but hopefully there is a model number somewhere on the flash unit. The only difference is the use of stronger "arms" in the latter unit to provide better support for the flash heads.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Brian v.
The lighting on the spider is excellent. The shadows of the legs suggest a difference in light intensity of the two guns.
Thanks SB
Hopefully Brian
One may be nearer than the other, or the angles different Harold. Either way - it's getting positionings and power right each individual shot that is a challenge too..
Mine is the KR800 Ziggy - the new version.
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