to ps or not to ps-question
I've looked but could find nothing written (not that it's not written, I just did not find it-
If someone posts a photo, are we at liberty to download it and work on it 1) regardless of whatever is said (unless there is a specific no) or 2) if the poster asks for comments or 3) do we ask permission from the poster-
sorry for asking, but I could not find anything on this--
if there is, please direct me to it--
thanks much
If someone posts a photo, are we at liberty to download it and work on it 1) regardless of whatever is said (unless there is a specific no) or 2) if the poster asks for comments or 3) do we ask permission from the poster-
sorry for asking, but I could not find anything on this--
if there is, please direct me to it--
thanks much
thanks for your response-
I guess my best bet is to ask if it's not requested-
then again, I would think if someone wanted that help, they would ask or say beforehand-
nice post but it sure doesn't put money in the bank--
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
thanks much for responding--
I like your points that you give--
I think I'll leave any pics alone unless the poster initially says go for it or I get permission from the poster--
I would think dg would have some kind of policy posted (unless I missed it) or they don't want to because it might end up being restrictive and they're depending on our common sense (that's scary--at least if you're counting on me)--
anyway, thanks for answering; it helps--
I can be a sarcastic butthole--
Of course, "people rarely take offense" is not the same as "never", so YMMV!
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but sometimes I sense that "tell me what you think" is a euphemism for "tell me what you think as long as you don't suggest any changes to my photo and all you say is 'great shot!'"--
I'd be sad if this open attitude about edits here changed.
Excellent points, DJ
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makes sense to me--
maybe instead of 'it's ok to edit' they have 'please don't edit'--
I dunno, maybe no one on dg minds their pics being edited; I know I would be ok with someone working on mine; as you said, I guess in a way I would be honored--
I'm not trying to make a big deal about this; I just don't want to step on anyone's toes any more than I do already (and if I hang around long enough, you'll see it happen, if you haven't already)--
Good point, James! I amended the Dgrin Rules. Hopefully, this will be enough
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re rules--
pretty good--
BTW, it's relinquished--
Fixed. Thanks.
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I think that is better than the other site, you gave it a more friendly setting. FWIW, I think that those who would be happy with edits should make it very clear on each post. Maybe we can do some thing like Use CCE (C&C + Edits) instead of just CC.
If the desire for edits is not mentioned in the original post one way or the other and I decide to show an edit, I usually just say in my message that I'd be happen to take my image down if the original poster doesn't want it up. I've never had anyone tell me to take it down and I've done hundreds of these (mostly over in dprevew, but a fair number here too).
I also post my images only in private galleries so there's no easy way to get to them other than via the posting I put it in.
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