Lightroom plugin, Video, Trim, etc.

I rarely do video so some of this may be both my confusion and also something I am doing.
I have old SVHS videos I am finally moving to my computer, and wanted to put a few of them on Smugmug. My first was about 24 minutes, and -- 20 minute limit (despite being small and low res).
Here's what I tried:
1) Made a virtual copy in LR, and trimmed one to about 16 minutes and one to about 8 minutes (+/-), so both should fit.
2) Published -- failure, "Can't update this collection. An internal error has occurred: Attempt to seek past end of file". The plugin log shows a render then a few calls with 200 status and:
05/04/2015 15:39:28 DEBUG HTTP Status: 200
05/04/2015 15:39:28 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - end
05/04/2015 15:39:28 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.uploadPhoto - start
05/04/2015 15:39:28 DEBUG Timestamp Offset: 0
05/04/2015 15:39:28 DEBUG Base: PUT&
Nothing else. It's as though it starts the upload and drops out into LR and out of the plugin, and its status goes yellow.
3) Went into publishing and changed settings from H264/max to Original, Unedited file, thinking it was a rendering problem of sorts. This also would be nice since the max with H.264 is 640x480 whereas my input is 704x528. This gives a "cannot export" without explicit "too long" but in the plugin log it has a "too long" error. So I think this format doesn't honor the "trim" (I realize "unedited" may imply "untrimmed" but thought it might just mean "not reformatted" and honor the trim).
So I'm kind of stuck.
Is anyone else having issues with LR6 (CC 2015) who is doing Video with it?
Anyone else done a trim to stay under the time -- should it work?
Any ideas? If not I'll send to SM Help, but hoping first to make sure it's not something obvious.
I have old SVHS videos I am finally moving to my computer, and wanted to put a few of them on Smugmug. My first was about 24 minutes, and -- 20 minute limit (despite being small and low res).
Here's what I tried:
1) Made a virtual copy in LR, and trimmed one to about 16 minutes and one to about 8 minutes (+/-), so both should fit.
2) Published -- failure, "Can't update this collection. An internal error has occurred: Attempt to seek past end of file". The plugin log shows a render then a few calls with 200 status and:
05/04/2015 15:39:28 DEBUG HTTP Status: 200
05/04/2015 15:39:28 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.callMethod - end
05/04/2015 15:39:28 DEBUG SmugMugAPI.uploadPhoto - start
05/04/2015 15:39:28 DEBUG Timestamp Offset: 0
05/04/2015 15:39:28 DEBUG Base: PUT&
Nothing else. It's as though it starts the upload and drops out into LR and out of the plugin, and its status goes yellow.
3) Went into publishing and changed settings from H264/max to Original, Unedited file, thinking it was a rendering problem of sorts. This also would be nice since the max with H.264 is 640x480 whereas my input is 704x528. This gives a "cannot export" without explicit "too long" but in the plugin log it has a "too long" error. So I think this format doesn't honor the "trim" (I realize "unedited" may imply "untrimmed" but thought it might just mean "not reformatted" and honor the trim).
So I'm kind of stuck.
Is anyone else having issues with LR6 (CC 2015) who is doing Video with it?
Anyone else done a trim to stay under the time -- should it work?
Any ideas? If not I'll send to SM Help, but hoping first to make sure it's not something obvious.
Lightroom CC is not supported quite yet. The engineers are working on it however.
Suport Hero
LR's transcoding is a little flaky due to a number of reasons, but your observations in regard to setting the video format to "Original, unedited" are ignores any trimming.
Are you able to provide either video via dropbox (or something similar) so that I could try debugging with your video ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
David, thanks. Sure. I'll send PM with the link to the video.
I think I may understand part of the issue. This is a bit convoluted, and may be two different issues. Here's what I just did, more slowly, to make sure I understood it.
1) Import the indicated video into lightroom.
2) Make a virtual copy.
3) Trim the original by chopping off the tail of the video to make it 16:15 (precision not required)
4) Trim the copy by removing the head, leaving the last 8:52 (precision not required).
5) For reference, I exported by to disk in Lightroom using the H.264/Max settings:
- Original yielded: 2.6 GB
- Copy yielded: 1.5 GB
6) Published the copy first (smaller) with H.264/Max: this results in "Can't update this collection - an internal error has occurred: ?:0: attempt to index field 'error' (a nil value). HOWEVER... the file actually uploaded. I screwed up here -- I moved on to the other test, removing it from the collection, before noticing if it was marked as published in the collection in LR -- it was in SM. So I don't know if perhaps the error related to updating the published status, or was a bad return while publishing.
7) Published the original (larger) with H.264/Max: this results in "Can't update this collection. An internal error has occurred: Attempt to seek past end of file". Upon acknowledgement the file shows still as "new photos to publish" in the collection. The file did not end up on Smugmug, at least if it did I cannot find it, nor is there any error in the log.
8) I manually tried uploading the disk extract of the original file (that would not publish) to Smugmug with the default uploader. It finished (i.e. bar completed) then hung a very long time. I dragged another tiny photo into it to make sure it wasn't hung, it went up and completed instantly. I looked on SM and the image was there, already processed and viewable; the upload still showed uploading. The SM log showed it having uploaded some time earlier, so there appears to be an issue with the web uploader with this file also. I'm leaving it running (it's maybe 20 minutes past upload now).
Note I do not do video hardly at all, so I have no recent experience whether LR5.7 works or not. If that's needed, I can probably set up a trial.
I'll email you a copy of the log if I can, as well as this posting, with the link to the file.
I think the web uploader is also having an issue with this file (and/or in general, not sure).
PS. Fast internet (20mbs up), these uploads do not take long even at a few gig.
I can provide another copy of the log if needed.
SmugMug Support Hero
That does succeed in uploading, though even there I had problems as it never shows completion (though it does complete).
For me it's not urgent - videos are frankly more distraction than anything else, but occasionally I'm told I have to be distracted.
Sorry, I've been intentionally absent from dgrin for a week or so, as not to be distracted while working on catching up on some other projects.
I haven't forgotten about this issue and hopefully can get back to it sometime next week.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos