Texas Forest Fires

I call home Alabama but I am on a Fire detail for 16 days in Texas, I am inital attack with 2 Alabama Forestry Commission Bull doziers, havent had alot of time to take photos but did get a few today. Please over look typos ect, I havent had much sleep. Currently near Branbury Tx and will be moving 100+ miles tommororow to Decatur Tx.
Photos story:
Our fire (7000 acres) escaped our lines today and air attack helicopters were called in, myself and 1 of our Doziers waited to put fireline around the jump as helicopters droped water on hot spots. Not sure when I can check this thread again or add new photos. These were taken very quickly. BTW I was about 100 yrds away from this, taken with 20D and Canon 70-200 f/2.8L. no time for EXIF. Straight from camera and cropped only JPEG

Photos story:
Our fire (7000 acres) escaped our lines today and air attack helicopters were called in, myself and 1 of our Doziers waited to put fireline around the jump as helicopters droped water on hot spots. Not sure when I can check this thread again or add new photos. These were taken very quickly. BTW I was about 100 yrds away from this, taken with 20D and Canon 70-200 f/2.8L. no time for EXIF. Straight from camera and cropped only JPEG

Brad Fite 
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff

Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
only see the dreaded "X" maybe an external link?
smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com
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Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
Here is the fire line that (looking east) we put in on the northside of the Huckabee fire
This fire was on a ranch converted to hunting ranch, you can see the wildlife fence to the left. We saw and jumped many very big trophy whitetail deer, But no pics
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
Thanks for sharing and take it easy