Holly Oak in Sand Dunes, Corsica
Sometimes it is worth a close look at what seems to be just a shrub. These were growing in the sand dunes through which a track had been cut to allow vehicles to access the adjacent, beach-side, car park.
Quercus ilex * is also known as the Holm Oak. This oak has spiny young leaves, whose edges become smooth with age, is evergreen, and is resistant to salt spray. These were sprawling shrubs but the trees can grow to 20m.
* Ilex is the genus for Holly.
EM-1, Olympus m4/3 14-42mm, f10 at ISO 200, sunlight, hand-held.

Quercus ilex * is also known as the Holm Oak. This oak has spiny young leaves, whose edges become smooth with age, is evergreen, and is resistant to salt spray. These were sprawling shrubs but the trees can grow to 20m.
* Ilex is the genus for Holly.
EM-1, Olympus m4/3 14-42mm, f10 at ISO 200, sunlight, hand-held.

Brian V.
I knew you were near the coast!