Product Releases: April 2015

I'm a bit late again but here's what's been released since the end of March:
- Gallery content blocks can now be sourced from "All Galleries". Now show all your beautiful galleries in one spot, regardless of which folder they're in!
- A new "Client Area" that allows your clients to find the galleries you've Privately Shared with them (for Professional and Business accounts).
- All SmugMug sites should now pass the Google Mobile Friendly test.
- Fixed an issue in the Menu content block: we no longer make the link name go poof and disappear when you change settings.
- Bulk Gallery Settings had fallen behind and didn't match the individual Gallery Settings options. They now match.
- Keep your Gallery passwords hidden from everyone (including us): Passwords can no longer be saved as Quick Settings.
- The "Contact" email includes a link to the page your visitor was on when they sent you the email. Handy for knowing what they were looking at when they emailed you.
- The icon for Event Favorites no longer completely covers the photo: the heart icon has been moved to the upper right of the image.
- The icon for Hidden Images no longer completely covers the photo: the icon has been moved to the upper right of the image.
- In SM style galleries, the "Share" button has been moved to the right to be more consistent with the gallery layout.
- The Buy Button has been standardized to something much more simple: "Buy". Owners will no longer see the message "Owner Buy".
- Fixed an issue sharing Videos to facebook: they now play within Facebook just like you'd expect.
- When creating new Folders or Galleries or entering Settings, you can start typing into the first editable field without having to click into it first.
- Gallery content blocks can now be sourced from "All Galleries". Now show all your beautiful galleries in one spot, regardless of which folder they're in!
- A new "Client Area" that allows your clients to find the galleries you've Privately Shared with them (for Professional and Business accounts).
- All SmugMug sites should now pass the Google Mobile Friendly test.
- Fixed an issue in the Menu content block: we no longer make the link name go poof and disappear when you change settings.
- Bulk Gallery Settings had fallen behind and didn't match the individual Gallery Settings options. They now match.
- Keep your Gallery passwords hidden from everyone (including us): Passwords can no longer be saved as Quick Settings.
- The "Contact" email includes a link to the page your visitor was on when they sent you the email. Handy for knowing what they were looking at when they emailed you.
- The icon for Event Favorites no longer completely covers the photo: the heart icon has been moved to the upper right of the image.
- The icon for Hidden Images no longer completely covers the photo: the icon has been moved to the upper right of the image.
- In SM style galleries, the "Share" button has been moved to the right to be more consistent with the gallery layout.
- The Buy Button has been standardized to something much more simple: "Buy". Owners will no longer see the message "Owner Buy".
- Fixed an issue sharing Videos to facebook: they now play within Facebook just like you'd expect.
- When creating new Folders or Galleries or entering Settings, you can start typing into the first editable field without having to click into it first.
dGrin Afficionado
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Mark Derry
Might reconsider moving the Share Button or fix the logged in view.
The right photo nav is covered up.
Perhaps if you had a "not logged in" class name on each page I could add text using that class name.
But then if "originals" were enabled the d/l would still show.
My Website index | My Blog
Could you expand on this a bit, I am not sure what it means?
What does it do and please give me an example of when or how it might be used
Thanks a lot, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
I looked into this, and we can do it using CSS's ":not()" command in conjuncture with knowing that we have a class if you're the logged in owner.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Excellent question Harald. Setting your "Galleries" content block to be sourced from "All Galleries" will do essentially that: it will gather all the galleries from everywhere on your site and display them in one block, regardless of any folders they're in. Legacy SmugMuggers had this functionality but it was lost when we released the new version of SmugMug 2 years ago. This update restores that functionality.
Here's a good example:
I've been taking photos of my family for years and rather than forcing them to navigate through folders to find the galleries, I wanted one giant place to show them off. I may have organized them in folders for year (2012, 2013, 2014, etc) or by a location "Family Trips -> Bermuda", "Friend Trips -> Hawaii", "Family Holidays -> My Birthday", and making a user go through these folders can be cumbersome. The "All Galleries" source allows you to show off all your galleries without having to navigate the folder structure.
Here's an example:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: :not(.sm-user-owner) {....
Edit: hold up ... having trouble with any method now. Checked other browsers logged out and text is removed there also.
This removes text both logged in and not logged in. :not(.sm-user-owner) {
content:" Share"; z-index:99!important;
Edit2: can not find anyway to get this or variation to work.
My Website index | My Blog
Thank you very much for the valuable explanation and also the link to your example. In addition to impressive photos I was very interested in the way you setup your page with menus.
Menus are all new to me but you have inspired me to give it a try. I can see some late evenings coming my way when doing slow but carefull adjustments. I have at the moment a number of questions but will do some homework first (like reading help pages).
Thanks again and best regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories