Share Button Help
I only have the little share icon on the bottom right of my photos but I'd like the icon with the word share next to it on the bottom left of my photos. I tried adding the css code that smugmug suggested but it did not work. They suggested I try here for possibly a new code that could put the word "Share" next to my little share icon and relocate it to the bottom left instead of the bottom right. Please help, thanx.
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For adding the text to your light boxes additionally add this css to the same css-box:
Both should be within a to make sure that the text is not shown on too small screens.
You could - if you want the text for both all galleries and light-boxes - add the code like this:
But I haven't figured out yet how to get the button and the text moved to the left side of the screen for my setup...
The original css-codes that I have used here are, if I remember right, either from leftquark or Sherlock
Good luck
Lille Ulven