Downloading with title, caption, keywords

Is it possible to download a gallery and keep the title, caption and keywords entered on the site for the various photos?
In other words, if I upload a few photos to smugmug, enter title, caption and keywords on the site. Is it them possible to download the photos and have the title, caption and keywords intact? (my small experiment says it doesn't work for the "download gallery" functionality)
In other words, if I upload a few photos to smugmug, enter title, caption and keywords on the site. Is it them possible to download the photos and have the title, caption and keywords intact? (my small experiment says it doesn't work for the "download gallery" functionality)
Jan Erik Moström
AS an aside, if you happen to use SM's Lightroom plugin, the same issue exists -- if you update the photo in lightroom with new metadata, it does not even load that image to SM (unless the image was changed), so it is as though you entered the updates on SM (i.e. they are just on SM not in the image). Though you can "mark for republish" and it will.
This is one reason I never, ever update metadata on Smugmug (at least if I want it to "stick") -- I do it in my own library.