"New" Smug preview.....
When the "new" Smug was announced back in 2013 I took a look at things and seem to remember there being a way to play around with the new design features and then being able to click a link to preview what the public would see before you permanently transitioned to the new site. I'm finally taking a look at moving and can't seem to find the preview option. Can someone help?
The preview button should be available when you are logged in. See help page at http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/1212681.
It appears that there is a second method to start working on your new smugmug site, try http://www.smugmug.com/migration.
Based on this thread that you posted back in 2013 it looks like you already migrated to a state where you should have both old and new smug available to you. I've included a screen shot below (grabbed from the help page referenced above) that shows how to move between the two views of your site while you are logged in.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks Denise,
Yes, I've done the preview thing but, as you read in that older thread, I wanted to keep the new view similar to the older view and was hoping I could toggle between my logged in view and what the public sees to verify what I've done will accomplish what I was trying to do. Now that I've thought about it more I think what I was remembering was in the old system you could click a button the basically gave you the "logged out" view. Obviously in this case that would be the old view also. All I want to do is verify that unlisted folders and galleries don;t really show. Guess I'll have to take it on faith and go live with the new features.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
While you are setting up your new site, you can achieve "oggle between my logged in view and what the public sees to verify what I've done will accomplish what I was trying to do" by using two browsers. One where you're logged in, and one where you are not.
but everything should look basically like logged out.
My Website index | My Blog
If you're editing HTML or CSS content blocks, edits will populate immediately on the page.
I recall that some CSS edits in your site-wide CSS may not show immediately - you may have to publish to see them. Sorry I can't recall details, but this didn't happen often to me.
And, no, there is not an un-do function. If you're talking about location and folder, gallery, photo blocks, you could take screen shots of what a page looks like before you modify them. If you're talking about HTML, text, or CSS blocks, on all folders, all galleries, or gallery by gallery, there is no better tool to back up your site than Nicholas Sherlock's Chrome extension: http://dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=240752
Before I begin any substantive edits, I run the tool. If I need to retrieve HTML/CSS, it's right there.
Also one "caution" about one type of edit: If you intend to make a gallery "separate", "just this gallery", be careful to make it separate before you begin the edits. {points to self who never learns}. In the case where you miss doing this and you edit a gallery and publish as you go, thinking you are working on unique customization for that gallery, but in fact you've modified all galleries with this code - and then in the middle of adding yet new code to this gallery that you don't want to lose for this gallery, do these in this order to correct the mess:
- While you are in the unique gallery that should be the only one with the customization, choose "just this gallery", to separate it.
- Publish
- Back in Customization, go to "all galleries", and remove the problem content blocks.
- Publish