A few came with the sun today:

A bit of sunshine has brought a few bugs into the garden - a mason bee - seen this a good few times, but this is the first I managed to get a shot - then there's a new for me hoverfly, and a female wolf spider carrying her babies in the bag at the back, and fleeting glimpse for the first time this year of a ruby-tailed wasp on the wall of the house.
Oh, and a young frog appeared in the pond. Not this years froglets as it was much to large, so maybe one of last years that has stopped over.

Oh, and a young frog appeared in the pond. Not this years froglets as it was much to large, so maybe one of last years that has stopped over.

Brian v.
Well done with the Ruby-tail.
I am getting the Wolf Spiders with egg sacs here too.
Thanks Brian - spot on with the ID.
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk
Thanks both
SB - the light was intense!
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk