The Peyote Lophophora williamsii
In these images, where I have had to make a choice for focus, I have prioritised the stigma and stamens. The number of stigma lobes is typically five but it is variable. One plant has three lobes and the other has only two.
A feature of interest here is that any physical disturbance of the stamens, including air movement, causes them to curve inwards. This is slow but observable. The third image shows this. (The flower has started to close anyway, the hottest part of the afternoon having passed).
Some silk webbing on the plants is of spider origin.

A feature of interest here is that any physical disturbance of the stamens, including air movement, causes them to curve inwards. This is slow but observable. The third image shows this. (The flower has started to close anyway, the hottest part of the afternoon having passed).
Some silk webbing on the plants is of spider origin.

Brian v.
Thanks. Technically, all cactus fruits are edible. I have omitted this one from my occasional tastings, or maybe that is not the reality.