Nine Pipe National wildlife refuge

I was at the Nine pipe area for a sunset shot. All day there were white puffy clouds hanging about the Mission Range. By sunset they were gone. Men plan God chuckles.
Below are a couple images captured while waiting for the spectacular sunset I imagined, but didn't happen.

Comments and critique are always welcome.
Below are a couple images captured while waiting for the spectacular sunset I imagined, but didn't happen.

Comments and critique are always welcome.
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going anyway.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
I am sucker for beams of light, so second shot is superb to me!
On first, one, because the background has blue patch, it has created multiple horizontal lines.....maybe if you got even lower and put them across the uniform blue may be even more appealing!
Cheers Phil!
I have been on the road for about 4 weeks. Early on my laptop decided to go on strike, so I left it with a friend in Montana to get repaired. It's fixed, and I am a day from the house. I will be processing and posting some images soon.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Great DOF on this one!
Chris .. Aka.."Tofer"- Toferphotography ~ Canon EOS 7D 18-135 3.5IS / GoPro Hero4 Silver / Rebel XT (350D) ~ Tamron 17-35mm SP AF 2.8 ~ Sigma 28-300 F3.5-6.3 DG Macro // Canon 75-300 zoom // Canon 430ex // - (Motorola Droid) - Lowepro Slingpack ==> Facebook
That first one is a beauty! I can't even count how many chuckles God has had at my expense... this phrase it all too true! I think sometimes God does that to teach us patience (or make us catch up to Karma). I had one shot I planned the heck out of, it was going to be perfect..... but when I drove the 1.5 hours to the beach after leaving work early and hiked the 1 mile incline to the spot, the fog bank had the lighthouse (1 mile out at sea) completely obscured, trekked back down to the car pissing and moaning the whole way just to turn around and discover with 20 minutes to full sunset the fog was burning off. I sprinted all the way up the hill to the spot in order to get my award winning shot! Had God not taken mercy on me....but I swear he was giggling at me while I ran up that hill with my camera pack bouncing on my back and my tripod snagging in tree limbs the whole way!
Never been to Nine Pipe. Sounds interesting. Something I have to look up.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Great shot Lee. Patience is definitely a skill that all photographers must cultivate.
David, Nine Pipes is about 45minutes north of Missoula, also near by is the National Bison Range with opportunities for wildlife, rolling hills and views of the Mission range.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!