ID please

I found this insect few days ago. It has a length of about 2 inches, maybe more. I was a little scared because it looked like some kind of hornet. Maybe it's an insect that mimics the hornet. My question is whether this insect dangerous, when I see him should I run or to photographed him?
...sorry for bad English and poor photos (almost 100% crop)

...sorry for bad English and poor photos (almost 100% crop)

I have tried to identify it but have made no progress. The legs and the underside of the body are far too hairy to be a wasp or hornet.
Those hairs look rather like scales. I cannot see the mouthparts to eliminate the possibility that it is a moth.
I think that one of mine friend managed to identify the insect
Mammoth Wasp, Scolia flavifrons (largest wasp in Europe - up to 6 centimetres (2.4 in))
I'm not sure how aggressive she is
It is unfortunate that you found the rarer orange form, less easy to search for successfully. The face is usually yellow.
The species is a parasite of the European Rhinoceros Beetle and will not sting you.
The picture in my book has the head almost black and the reddish hairs absent.
Brian v.
That day I came across on another large wasp, maybe it's a male.
Brian V.
Hi, I love your macros shots. The unidentified insect may be a winged Cow Killer Ant and it is not dangerous. Just dangerous looking. Thanks. David