How can I reposition the file name
How can I rearrange the locations and size of the file number and image # (2/300) under the main photo in a classic smugmug gallery? I would like the file number to be large and bold and directly below the image and the image order # to be off to the side
Got'a a link to an example?
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Hi Allen
No these are not manually added in. Just the filename of the image that shows up when , in gallery settings I switch "show filenames" to "on"
As it is now, the filename is kind to the bottom left and the sequence of the number is directly under the image.
I want clients to only communicate the file number, so I know we are talking about the same image and as it is they often tell me the sequence number which can change if I make some adjustments to the gallery.
CRMII Gala 15_024.JPG
If your caption is blank and "file names" is ON it should show in the caption. I don't see it.
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--- Denise
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I asked about a month ago but got no replies - still hoping it can be done.
You can see the gallery sequence number just below the main image. BELOW that is the actual filename.
See here for an example:
I have the same issue as "fishface" - I need purchasers to tell me the filename but often they tell me the gallery sequence number (despite requests/instructions)
.sm-tile-info {color:#FE7C00 !important; font-size:120%}
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Do you think it would be possible for the gallery sequence number (< Photo 5 / 38>) to SHARE the same line with the filename?
Say gallery sequence number on the left and the filename on the right of the one line?
It would make it a LOT easier for people to see that there are two different bits of info and I want the ORANGE one (thanks to you I can now tell them that!)
And Thanks Allen. Worked great.
My preference would be to switch the position of the two numbers so the file number is directly below the image. And then it doesn't need to be so big and colorful. It will be obvious to the client that that is the important number. Anyway of making that happen allen. Or on the same line would be great too. Thanks! Also . How do I get rid of the visibility of the key works below the photo?