Some wasps

Some recent wasp shots from the garden. The first wasp is interesting - I spotted it landing on my miniature pine tree with something in it's jaws and then disappearing inside the "bush". Managed to ambush it a couple of times on it's deliveries but only realised it was gobs of mud in it's jaws when I was processing the photos. I thought that must make it a potter wasp but apparently it's a spider collecting Pompilid wasp, the only species in the UK that builds mud houses.
Brian V.
Pompilid wasp Auplopus carbonarius with mud gobs

Large Ichneumon wasp - Amblyteles sp.

Face the camera

Ichneumon wasp having a clean

Brian V.
Pompilid wasp Auplopus carbonarius with mud gobs

Large Ichneumon wasp - Amblyteles sp.

Face the camera

Ichneumon wasp having a clean

"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Thanks Kate
Brian v.