How to add a Home Button
I have a folder with subfolders, each subfolder has many galleries. I want to add a "Home" button at the end of the photos in each gallery to help the mobile user navigate to a page I set up as a directory to the many galleries set up under the master folder.
When I tried adding a navigation bar at the end of the gallery and set up a link to the home button (that I renamed to the page name), it posted that navigation bar on all the galleries on my website - which I can't have.
Can anyone help?
When I tried adding a navigation bar at the end of the gallery and set up a link to the home button (that I renamed to the page name), it posted that navigation bar on all the galleries on my website - which I can't have.
Can anyone help?
This could probably be done with CSS.
Post a link to one of the galleries and we can help.
Basically would be done with some CSS similar to this.
The top folder will have a class name like this.
/* hides link widget everywhere */
.sm-page-widget-XXXXXXX {display:none}
/* shows only on galleries below top folder */
.sm-page-parentnode-XXXXX .sm-page-gallery .sm-page-widget-XXXXXXX {display:block}
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Here is a gallery in one of the sub folders in the tree.
15-TRYPO-New-York is the top folder which contains a page with links to other sub folders with galleries (56 in all).
Here is the page I want to link.
The password is TRYPO - if you need it
I haven't worked with CSS in a few years and am not sure where to put it.
Simplest is apply button to all children whether Galleries, Sub-folders or Pages.
Will start with only galleries
This is the class name that would be used in CSS to apply to all children of the folder.
.sm-page-parentnode-PRJJR ....
The widget/HTML box "button" will have to be added to the entire site otherwise you'd have to add it
to every page (gallery) and you have a lot. The CSS will hide it everywhere except from this one tree.
Using the specific widget (button code) class name. CSS hides everywhere and adds to specific pages.
Once the HTML block is added the class name number of it will have to be retrieved to add in the CSS.
/* hides everywhere */
.sm-page-widget-XXXXXXX {display:none}
/* display only for galleries this tree */
.sm-page-parentnode-PRJJR .sm-page-gallery .sm-page-widget-XXXXXXX {display:block}
Does this all make sense?
Go to the 15-TRYPO-NY-Index page and go to CUSTOMIZE > Content and Design.
Highlight "entire site" in right flyout.
At the very bottom of the flyout click to expand HTML & CSS and drag both a HTML & CSS box to
the bottom of the page just above the footer.
Click the wrench on each box to open it and paste in code. Click DONE to save. When both boxes
are finished click DONE in the upper right corner and then PUBLISH NOW. As soon as you do this
post back here so we can retrieve the widget number and modify the CSS.
Add this in the HTML box. CSS (Yellow XXXXXXX's will have to be change to widget number)
Add this to CSS box. Might need the yellow !important.
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To answer your first question:
The top folder is
It contains 4 sub folders and the Index Page.
The Index Page provides a list with links to every gallery under the 4 sub folders.
When I added the HTML box to the page, it had both HTML and CSS tabs inside it. I did not add a separate CSS place holder and duplicate the CSS code above.
How do I point to the top of the tree?
CSS in the html box tab not always affects entire site only html inside the box.
This is the class name of the link html box. Did you change the XXXXXXX's to this number?
Edit: remove space between these. These two class names are both in the gallery body tag
therefore requires no space.
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Same result. The button shows up on every gallery, not just in the tree. Hmmmm
Any new widget created will have a new number.
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2. I deleted both HTML and CSS blocks from the index page and ended up with one button on all galleries.
3. I went to the top folder and found a box with the CSS code in the top folder. I deleted that and all buttons went away.
4. I went to the index page and re-created both blocks, not putting CSS code in the HTML/CSS box but in the separate CSS block.
I am back to having the button at the end of every folder and gallery on the site (as I put the blocks below the Site Content block), not just in the tree. It is not hiding outside the tree.
to changed to a new one when another HTML box is added.
Add the HTML box and I'll get the new number for the CSS.
HTML (This is already on your site or will be re-added soon I hope
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In this case the yellow is highlighted for what I clicked on. Looking up 4 to 6 lines and the widget No. is found.
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the right flyout. Looks like the top link of 2 on the galleries pages was added with "all galleries"
On index page edit the link text to this ...>GOOD TRYPO Photo Home Page</a>.
This will help finding what box of 2 to remove on the gallery.
Go to gallery and highlight "all galleries". Then remove html box that does not have GOOD in it.
There is probably an extra CSS box added to "all galleries" to be removed.
Go to CSS on index page and change numbers to 11302746
Finally remove GOOD from the link text.
Index page (same as bottom one on gallery page - good) gallery page top one (this is extra html box from somewhere) Looks like it was added to "all galleries". gallery page bottom one (same as index page - good). This red number is used in CSS.
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Same issue.
Using the GOOD method, I found the extra HTML in All Galleries from one of the Galleries and deleted it.
Back to the Index Page, I selected "Entire Site", removed "GOOD" and replaced the CSS as last suggested, using 11302746.
I still have the button on all pages and folders; not just TRYPO folders and galleries. It works, but I don't want it anywhere other than the 15 TRYPO New York tree. Should I start from scratch?
the CSS something not working.
Be back after looking.
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to add it back in "entire site". I had found the CSS using 11302746 as search term Friday.
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I searched every tab with no luck.
BTW, I pasted in the CSS edit box and the link stayed on the gallery but disappeared from the index page.
This is a virtual edit, does not change anything except what's loaded in memory going to your page.
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