Day 2 waiting for my S9000 repair
Hello All,
With my S9000 in for repair, I had a good time with my D60 and an extension tube.
The optical view finder was a pleasure, BUT, I kept wanting to look in the 'EVF' to see the shot magnified.
Being forced to use my DSLR, I really miss my Prosumer.
Regards, Nicholas
With my S9000 in for repair, I had a good time with my D60 and an extension tube.
The optical view finder was a pleasure, BUT, I kept wanting to look in the 'EVF' to see the shot magnified.
Being forced to use my DSLR, I really miss my Prosumer.
Regards, Nicholas
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Hi Andy,
Also Largest size as per your suggestion.
Previously when I saw my large images open in a separate window and the right click drop down menu appeared instead of the copyright protection warning, I felt the image was able to be copied. I had no reason to copy my own image so I did not see the 'spacer'.
For this reason this process should be detailed in the instruction page on copyright protection.
Back to my S9000 backup, using my D60 felt somewhat like using my film cameras in the sense you can not get a good view of your image taken without the EVF of my prosumer.
However shooting with the EVF you can not get the clarity of the D60's Optical viewfinder.
I am finding that it is a trade off and that my current style leans heavily to the prosumer.
Regards, Nicholas
Do you mean, documented, like this, in our SmugMug Help Pages?
BTW, you can also personalize your right-click message, by putting this in your Javascript section of your customization (control panel>customize>Javascript>paste/modify to taste>save customization
rightClickWarning = "These photos are copyright XXXXXX XXXXXXXX. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is prohibited."
The message in quotes can be anything you want it to be, really.
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Thanks Andy.