Good exposure and lighting. The details are very soft. Is that what you intended?
What shutter speed and aperture did you use. (I assume it was daylight).
The shot was at a nursery in "sort of" a greenhouse. It was sunny but the light was diffused through the cover of the greenhouse. I also placed a white reflector/diffuser in the background of the shot. Yes, it is supposed to be very soft. I used the multiple exposure feature on the Nikon and shot one exposure as sharp as I possibly could. Then I turned the focus ring (do not change aperture or speed) to take it completely out of focus and made the second shot. The two were "blended" to produce the soft, yet detailed, effect. I used f 5.6 at 1/320" and ISO of 100. This technique is best described by Tony Rizzuto, of Rocky Mountain School of Photography, in a couple of articles ( and
Brian V.
What shutter speed and aperture did you use. (I assume it was daylight).
The shot was at a nursery in "sort of" a greenhouse. It was sunny but the light was diffused through the cover of the greenhouse. I also placed a white reflector/diffuser in the background of the shot. Yes, it is supposed to be very soft. I used the multiple exposure feature on the Nikon and shot one exposure as sharp as I possibly could. Then I turned the focus ring (do not change aperture or speed) to take it completely out of focus and made the second shot. The two were "blended" to produce the soft, yet detailed, effect. I used f 5.6 at 1/320" and ISO of 100. This technique is best described by Tony Rizzuto, of Rocky Mountain School of Photography, in a couple of articles ( and