Custom Pages
I'm trying to set up a Page with a distinct look – different from my Home and other pages.
So, on the Page's setup, I chose "Just This Page" and then changed the social icons, logo, and menu attributes that show up directly under the "On Just This Page" section.
Unfortunately, the changes I made "On Just This Page" were replicated on all my other pages as well. So, what does "On Just This Page" actually mean? Am I not able to set up a Page that is distinct from the others?
Thank you
I'm trying to set up a Page with a distinct look – different from my Home and other pages.
So, on the Page's setup, I chose "Just This Page" and then changed the social icons, logo, and menu attributes that show up directly under the "On Just This Page" section.
Unfortunately, the changes I made "On Just This Page" were replicated on all my other pages as well. So, what does "On Just This Page" actually mean? Am I not able to set up a Page that is distinct from the others?
Thank you
Did you read the color bar when you moused over them?
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using CSS hide the "site wide" ones.
(this page only class name)(header area)
.sm-page-node-XXXXXX .sm-page-layout-region-header {display:none}
XXXXXX is the page class name number unique on your site.
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Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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