Richard, I like the color due the the contrast between the black clothes theme on the two men contrasting with the very colorful dress worn by the woman in the mid foreground. Nice shot.
"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
I would go with the B/W because the color does not add anything that the B/W does not already convey. But you do not go wrong with the color as the colors reinforce the theme. Thus the difficult choice. BUT for street, go B/W if the choice is near equal.
...I would go with the B/W because the color does not add anything that the B/W does not already convey....
Hmmm...I think you may be right. When it's a close choice, I generally go for color because good color on the street is hard to find--too many cheap clothes and garish signs. But this time, I'm leaning towards B&W.
BTW, good to see you here, rainbow . Got any new pics to share?
Because the background and pavement are almost monochromatic anyway, the humans pop-out nicely.
I agree with Eric.
Equally impressive, but I like what lensmole said; more engaging.
Much respect...
"Some times you eat the bear... and some times the bear eats you."
BTW, I really like the shot!
Thanks for chipping in. Much appreciated.
Hmmm...I think you may be right. When it's a close choice, I generally go for color because good color on the street is hard to find--too many cheap clothes and garish signs. But this time, I'm leaning towards B&W.
BTW, good to see you here, rainbow