Bug odds and sods 06-07

Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden.
Brian v.
A big dance fly. Natural light .Focus stacked using zerene

Marmalade hoverfly on weed flower. Natural light

A shaded hawker dragonfly. Natural light

RIP bumble bee. Focus stacked using zerene

Heleomyzid fly

Soldier fly Beris.sp. Focus stacked using zerene

Harvestman closeups. Focus stacked using zerene

Brian v.
A big dance fly. Natural light .Focus stacked using zerene

Marmalade hoverfly on weed flower. Natural light

A shaded hawker dragonfly. Natural light

RIP bumble bee. Focus stacked using zerene

Heleomyzid fly

Soldier fly Beris.sp. Focus stacked using zerene

Harvestman closeups. Focus stacked using zerene

Do you know where I could learn about focus-stacking--a good website or youtube?
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Kate there's a short tutorial /exercise on focus stacking in the hints above http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=61316.
There's another tutorial here http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/focus-stacking.htm using photoshop.
I've not checked out Youtube stuff on it but there seems to be lots of it.
Brian V.
Thank you, Brian
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain