What a dramatic vantage point! The tree on the left is taking my attention away from the lake and forest below. It's a tad too bright for me. Did you use fill flash or a reflector to brighten the shady side of the tree? I wonder if it could be darkened. In any case a beautiful picture that invites me in! I want to be there!! Thank you!
I like the comp Tatiana and have respectful disagreement with my friend Carter above! Although not so sure about the branches in foreground up top.....if the desire was to create frame-in-frame then we need some more of them.....or none of them....IMHO.
I think you probably already know, the light is harsh, and there are wires too running across.....
If you get a chance, go back at sunrise or sunset as in dilapidated light, this would be something else.
Thank you very much Stumblebum, I appreciate your comments.
While I cannot add more branches on the top ( and I wouldn't remove the existing ones either), I played a little with the too harsh light (you were right) and here is another version to it, compared to the original.
Nice job of reworking it Tatiana! Both are much improved in my view to the original. The water is truly fantastic, details are better. If I was forced to choose between the last two images, I would take the modified one as I guess it has higher contrast so appears more crisp! Awesome! Now I am staring at it! ;o)
"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
A tad more contrast perhaps?
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I think you probably already know, the light is harsh, and there are wires too running across.....
If you get a chance, go back at sunrise or sunset as in dilapidated light, this would be something else.
While I cannot add more branches on the top ( and I wouldn't remove the existing ones either), I played a little with the too harsh light (you were right) and here is another version to it, compared to the original.
2. Modified image
1. Original image
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