Yellow & Black Cranefly
I suppose I could claim this to be a BIF but the long legs lift this one, a medium sized CF, clear of the leaf. This is probably the same as the one Brian posted recently.
The last image is not as sharp as the others but shows what the insect is like, the pattern and colour of the thorax being of interest. All images have been cropped but the compositions could be better.
I have just noticed that the fly has lost its front left leg.

The last image is not as sharp as the others but shows what the insect is like, the pattern and colour of the thorax being of interest. All images have been cropped but the compositions could be better.
I have just noticed that the fly has lost its front left leg.

I'm not sure if I prefer the impression of speed in the first one.
Craneflies tend, for me anyway, to perch down amongst stems, not offering good whole-insect views.
This is the Spotted Cranefly Nephrotoma flavipalpis