Disa uniflora with Stereo
In the wild, this orchid is permanently wet, often under waterfalls, so the pot is in a saucer of water.
Last year, the first year it flowered, it produced only one, solitary flower, as in "uniflora". This year it produced twins.
The cross-eye stereo is as I hoped it would be. I have added a conventional stereo for those who cannot see th ecross-eye.

Last year, the first year it flowered, it produced only one, solitary flower, as in "uniflora". This year it produced twins.
The cross-eye stereo is as I hoped it would be. I have added a conventional stereo for those who cannot see th ecross-eye.

Brian v.
The advantage of orchids is that they are long-lasting, so you can reshoot if the images don't pass close examination. This was the second session, the first was one flower and one bud.