Don...just incredibly usual!
The first shot needs a frame!
"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
Len, I discovered using live view for focusing on stars a few months back.
I still prefer to compose with the viewfinder because I'm more likely to see unwanted objects in the frame. When I'm using a tripod, though, I can't see any reason not to use live view for setting the exposure and for focusing. They'll both be right every time.
Len, I discovered using live view for focusing on stars a few months back.
I still prefer to compose with the viewfinder because I'm more likely to see unwanted objects in the frame. When I'm using a tripod, though, I can't see any reason not to use live view for setting the exposure and for focusing. They'll both be right every time.
I'm going to try it more often with landscapes! I also like the hyperfocus on #2.
A question: when you convert to "infrared", are you doing this in ACR or do you have a camera "tricked-out" to do so?
Len, I have a camera converted to infrared, if that's what you mean. I don't like to make dramatic changes with software. I don't have any philosophical objection to it; I just seldom like the results.
... I don't like to make dramatic changes with software...
And the results are always amazing.
"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
What great light!
I can't stop looking!
The first shot needs a frame!
I still prefer to compose with the viewfinder because I'm more likely to see unwanted objects in the frame. When I'm using a tripod, though, I can't see any reason not to use live view for setting the exposure and for focusing. They'll both be right every time.
I'm going to try it more often with landscapes! I also like the hyperfocus on #2.
A question: when you convert to "infrared", are you doing this in ACR or do you have a camera "tricked-out" to do so?
Always like your work,
And the results are always amazing.
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