Gallery - How to avoid file number strip?

Hi all
I need the file number to display in some of my galleries; typically those ones to show to wedding clients where they need to see the file number to make images selection.
Thing is when file number display option is selected, it results in a semi-transparent bar overlaying the bottom portion of the image itself.
Which, besides other considerations, is often confusing customers who complain about images cropping.
The bar comes with arrows to show/hide the bar itself but they don't work and is appearing/disapperaring quite unpredictably :huh.
Is there any way to display just file numbers without the bar at the bottom ???
Thx to all
I need the file number to display in some of my galleries; typically those ones to show to wedding clients where they need to see the file number to make images selection.
Thing is when file number display option is selected, it results in a semi-transparent bar overlaying the bottom portion of the image itself.
Which, besides other considerations, is often confusing customers who complain about images cropping.
The bar comes with arrows to show/hide the bar itself but they don't work and is appearing/disapperaring quite unpredictably :huh.
Is there any way to display just file numbers without the bar at the bottom ???
Thx to all
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I did try to opt for alternative displays.
Problem is that once images are enlarged the bar appears anyway whatever display mode you have selected.
Venice PhotoBlog
In the SmugMug gallery style, the caption will appear below the larger photo on the right without overlaying it.
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