
Good morning,
Got a problem lately trying to have my pics super sharp whenever shooting couples .
Im using a 24-70 2.8 Sigma lens with 7D Canon.
Trying to shoot above f8 using spot focus...but its not always possible.
Im using lightroom 5 but would like my pictures to be super sharp SOC.!/i-mfv4Gdd
I wish I had a DSLR with faces regonition like my friend has in his cheap point and shoot camera
Help me out please
thank you
Got a problem lately trying to have my pics super sharp whenever shooting couples .
Im using a 24-70 2.8 Sigma lens with 7D Canon.
Trying to shoot above f8 using spot focus...but its not always possible.
Im using lightroom 5 but would like my pictures to be super sharp SOC.!/i-mfv4Gdd
I wish I had a DSLR with faces regonition like my friend has in his cheap point and shoot camera
Help me out please
thank you
tell me if you can see the camera 's info.
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
Basically when I do spot focus on a model the other model which is next to the first one isnt ALWAYS sharp. In this case engagement models
Thank you for any help.
thinking about f stop, focus (spot,expension, AF......)shutter speed, ISO........lens ????camera set up
Ok that said..I have to give you critique that you didn't ask for!
1) see some of those shots where the faces are muddled by the light through the tree get patches of light and shadow ? This is called mottled or dappled light..this is has to be avoided at all costs. It will ruin these kinds of shots instantly. You have to find completely shaded areas (preferably) or completely unshaded areas.
2) exposure can be upped about 2/3 to 1 full stop in just about every shot. It is overall too dark.
3) f/8 is great for street or landscape..not for people shooting. In general f/4 is plenty of DOF for 2 people close to each other and will give the couple some isolation from the BG. Right now much of the BG is in too much focus which detracts the eyes from the main focal point...the couple.
4) lastly, this is matter of taste but the you are surrounded by a lot of green and I think the sky was pretty blue as well. What I am seeing is a green and sometimes cool cast on many of your may want to change the tint slider to the magenta just a touch to get rid of the green and overall warm up the shots by 200-300 kelvin to get rid of the blue-ish cast.
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
I saw the muddled face but decided to go ahead anyway eventhough I choose that place just to avoid it ..I know it doesnt make sense.
Now that you mentioned it it does look a bit too dark, I didnt pay too much attention because they loved the pictures ????
Point all well taken thanks.
auto ISO (just started using it instead of adjusting it all the time }
I usually used AV but somehow ended up using P mode ????
It looks like it was f4 - f5.6 1/60
No flash at all (they didnt want flash )
I have another shooting this coming week-end Ill try to adjust my skills.
Thank you
By the way how do I post a picture on this site instead of a link?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
As far as other issues are concerned Ill try to work on it because I can do much better.
However when I looked at the website from people giving me advice I saw quite a few similar issues that I have made so Im wondering if its better to judge other than ourself
Thank you all for the comments