Using bookmarked web page on phone issue
I have been using the bookmarked web page on Android phone with Chrome browser. Until recently, everything was OK, however, a couple of days ago when I was on the bookmark, every picture in galleries came up with a "download" symbol on it and everytime I tried to view a pic it would download it to the phone gallery. Could not find anything on the page to stop seeing the download symbol or to "turn off" this (no problems like this if I use the app). Any help??
1. Link to the SmugMug site you are referring to.
2. Make and model of your Android device.
3. OS version running on your Android device.
We will be happy to take a look and sort out the issue.
SmugMug Support Hero
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While I appreciate all the help that has been rendered so far, it would appear that the issue will not be resolved.
For my "casual visitors" to my site that use Android phones (haven't had a chance to test the issue with an iphone yet) I will just set up a "companion" Flickr account for their as viewing the galleries on the website using a phone will turn out to be too confusing for some and they will end up downloading multiple pictures that they did not intend to do while attempting to just view the pics.
Thanks again for all the customer support but just doesn't look like the issue will be resolved, at least anytime soon.